
Monday, August 13, 2007

The Daniel 10 encounter.

Daniel 10:7 I, Daniel, am the only one who saw this vision. The men with me saw nothing, but they were suddenly terrified and ran away to hide. 8 So I was left there all alone to watch this amazing vision. My strength left me, my face grew deathly pale, and I felt very weak. 9 When I heard him speak, I fainted and lay there with my face to the ground. 10 Just then a hand touched me and lifted me, still trembling, to my hands and knees. 11 And the man said to me, "O Daniel, greatly loved of God, listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you." When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling with fear. 12 Then he said, "Don't be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayers."

OK so this an incident the we see recorded in the book of Daniel. There are some pretty close similarities,however the content of the dialog are very different. There is fear and trembling mention again. As well as a vision. However there is also a physical encounter that fallows the vision. This Spirit also speaks to Daniel just as in Eliphaz's experience. Let's look at what this spirit says to Daniel.

"O Daniel, greatly loved of God," 12 Then he said, "Don't be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.

The first Quote is a huge contrast from the vese in Job. God has a Great Love towards this Man Daniel. So that God would even hear this man and answer his prayers. God seems to consider this weak little chunk of mortal flesh in hight regard. Mind you this predates the cleansing blood and righteousness of Christ Jesus. There appears to be 2 seperate agendas here. Both spirits appear to have some knowledge of God, and yet they paint two very different pictures of God towards mankind. More to come.


Tami said...

What does the encounter leave you with? Doubt, unbelief, hesitation and fear? or Reassurance, comfort, courage and faith? The counterfeit can speak, but it can't speak words of life.

Good observations.

Lex said...

Word. An Old Testament reminder to "test the spirits." They can seemingly make a lot of sense, but if inconsistant with God's character ... bad.

Anonymous said...

"Greatly loved of God"...a guy can hold his head up with those words. Mike I.

Anonymous said...

*Court Room* Judge says"ok counselor i'll give you a little lattitude but make your point clear soon" - From a few good men
Anyway intriguing thoughts keep us up on the plot as it is revealed

The Academy Against Apathy said...

sorry am I draggin this horse through the dirt? I have to set some presidence (spell?) for the rest. It's a bigger then we know. Or at least are willing to admit in most Christian Circles.

KnowYourGod said...

I think your fine, who are we to one tell you what to blog about or even for and two i enjoy it and three why stifle the creative and revelatory juices that are flowing who but God knows what biblical truth may be imparted to you and consequently us by it.

Loretta said...

I just re-read this in whole (all posts) so that I could get with what your saying and something occurred to me. It seems interesting to me that in the first encounter the "spirit" asks questions to engage thinking about or questioning of the truth. It kind of reminds me of the garden encounter when the serpent asks Eve; “Has God indeed said...". Just a thought.

So can you get back to it already?

Anonymous said...

*snore*..... where are the updates?

The Academy Against Apathy said...

you guys are a harsh barge.
Ima busy man with half the dedication and web saviness of my wife................is my manhood shrinking?.....nope just my ego. that's never a bad thing.

The Academy Against Apathy said...

Loretta, I think your on to something it appears that the first underlying tactic is to defame and Get us to question God's faithfulness towards those made in His image. Especially those called according to His purposes. It's almost always based on our circumstance or mortal fraility. Oh the strongholds of the mind. These wall are not entirely self made. We really do not know ourselves or all of our influences. This is why as Christians it is imperitive that we examine ourselves daily.

KnowYourGod said...

well said, now that is has almost been another month can you blog again :) or comment on mine ;)

Tami said...

Your "mundane" thoughts are more interesting to me than some of my own "profound" thoughts. So you could even just...like...ramble sometimes.

Okay, whatever you gotta do, man. I'm not gonna tell you how to run your blog. Some of us suckas just check it nearly daily, that's all.

But busy-ness is NOT something that I can let you get away with. Nor being far less tech-savvy than one's spouse. I'm stuck back in "Is this floppy disk formatted?" So...en gaurde.

The Academy Against Apathy said...

yay!! happy one month without a new post!!!

Anonymous said...

Tim, as homosexual as this may sound, there is something about your blog that makes me cry out, "I can't quit you!"

The End

The Academy Against Apathy said...

I wish I knew how to quite you.............Broke back blog.

once again popular culture makes the innocent wrong.

The Academy Against Apathy said...

Ha.........I mean quit.

11101100 said...

I have no officially changed my name to The Academy Against The Academy Against Apathy until this blog gets its "Part 6".

The Academy Against Apathy said...

Is this mr. Tim Bolten?Bolton? whatever.
I had to spend this weekend with people pretending to be other people for money, and then being themselves managing themselves as other people who were not them.

It was almost like living through adulesence all over again.......except someone was getting for there Identity Crisis. I will blog soon and explode yer scurvy brainards.

11101100 said...

You wish you knew who this was! Bwah hahahah, you'll never find out, thanks to the anonymity of the Intarwebs. You can just call me Titus B.. No, no, that's too obvious. Just call me T. Bolton.

But seriously though, let me know when you update. In all honesty, maybe we should all celebrate the weekend that you do with a spontaneous Harp & Bowl session. Though it is hardly spontaneous if we're planning it. So maybe an event triggered Harp & Bowl session.

Who knew that your blog had so much potential to draw us into the inner rooms of God? Good show Tim.


Titus B. I mean, T. Bolton.

Tami said...

Well, at least your comment space is rockin.

Are you (YES, that was total sarcasm) waiting for the two-month anniversary of not posting to post? Some of us are gettin' downright onnery here.

But I must say...in the interim, while your thinking about Part 6...you could post, ya know, other stuff. Like this...your own comment to Titus Bo..oh, sorry, Big T. This is the stuff of blog POSTS, man...not to be reserved for comments:

"I had to spend this weekend with people pretending to be other people for money, and then being themselves managing themselves as other people who were not them. It was almost like living through adulesence all over again.......except someone was getting for there Identity Crisis. I will blog soon and explode yer scurvy brainards."

I mean...C'MON! This is fully postable, ah say FULLY POSTABLE, friend. Be encouraged (or reprimanded, whatever works). :)

The Academy Against Apathy said...

yeah, Ima about to repeat this dream on saturday
i'll log all of my adventures in celebrity impersonator land and produce a nice coffee book Famous by Proxy. that doesn't make any sense.

God's Love Changed Everything said...

i miss it, too.

just throwing in my hat.



Tami said...

It's your anniversary. You could copy Lex and blog on that today.

But alas.

The Academy Against Apathy said...


11101100 said...

You know I was going to write a witty comment about how Lex is 23 and you're 29, and both of you are in your prime! But then I realized that Lex is now 24. And since your an odd number of years separated when your anniversary falls, you will never both be in your prime. HOWEVER if your anniversary were a few months back, then you would be. And mathematically speaking it would be a SEXY PRIME. Sexy because it's separated by five consecutive non-prime numbers and the sixth number in sequence is prime. It comes from the Latin for six, you pervert. Anywho, you really should have thought about this before you set the wedding date, you missed out on a really good pun.

I tried breaking down the amount of days you had been married in prime factors to see what I could do with that. Then I broke down your ages in prime factors too, but everything was off by one so I couldn't do too much neat stuff. If you were seven years apart, then I could pull your prime factors apart, and add the seven to the 137 and get 144, and then I could take the root of that, to get 12, and relate that to the 12 tribes and so on and so forth, eventually bringing the final result of the data manipulation being your social security numbers. But that wasn't how it worked out. So now I'm stuck here, without primes, well you're in your prime. So be encouraged with that.

I for one am going to marry my wife when we're an even number of years apart, that way I can mess around with our ages like that. It'll be sweet. I thank you Tim, for this opportunity to glean wisdom about when I should marry my wife. Though my wife will be four years older than me. Those primes are called "Cousin" primes... dang it!

Also, FYI, next year you will have been married for 1096 days, not 1095 (it's a leap year).

The Academy Against Apathy said...

You my friend, are the most romantic nerd I've ever known.
And that is Prime with me.

I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to my procrastination by blogging on my comments page. it's sweet.

11101100 said...

I just wanted to also add, that yesterday not only marked your two year anniversary with your wife but it also marked a TIE in the longest amount of time going without a "blog" post.

Today marks the event which some of us knew was coming, the longest time between posts for Tim yet. However, let us not fall into thinking it should stop today. Let's see how long we can ride this baby out! WOOO!

FYI If you're cool, you can sign up for the RSS feed, which will automatically notify you of new posts, so you don't have to keep on loading this page 50 times a day for the last 49 (woo!!!) days to see if there is a post.

If you use Outlook or Thunderbird to manage your mail I suggest you do it.

The Academy Against Apathy said...

I love it when you talk Nerd to me.