
Monday, February 25, 2008


This is a letter I wrote to my wife in 2006. I need to "Abide" in this place.

I miss you. I'm rocking Cory Russel's Ancient Paths (CD available through the One Thing bookstore) ... I'm really falling in love with Him, Lex. It's scary and beautiful - I'm letting go and there is no returning from here. My heart feels it will never be able to bear it. The one thing I've always longed for is the one thing my heart is dying to run from. It's fear is that it will become completely powerless to this Love. Oh, what a wretched Liar my heart is, professing to know and understand love and desire without ever knowing or being willing to go to the source and remain immersed. It screams!!! "You won't be able to breath!!! You'll die there!!! The current is too strong, and you can't touch bottom in this place. No one can hold their breath for that long!"

Then He just whispers to my spirit, "I breath for you here; I am the Breath of life. Your insecure heart only has ideas, and those ideas lead to idol worship where you truly die. I AM. Don't settle any more - break free and run, Run, RUN!!! In My river you don't swim; you don't keep your head above water. I AM the River of Living water; I AM the River of Life. You don't need to breath when you dwell in Life itself. It will sustain you beyond mortal ideology. Your entire understanding of what it takes to be alive has come from dead things. You've mistaken concepts of time and measure as Life. To understand Me those things must be put to death in you. You can't beat them into submission and keep an eye on them. You have to kill them. I Breath for you here, because I AM."

I am undone.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Who are the fathers of modern science again?

William Smith was a man hired in the 1790’s for the purpose of surveying and the Somerset Canal in England. While enjoying some time to himself he began to carefully examine and record the different layers of strata in the earth. He used his “goofing off” to create the first geological map of the entire country. He pretty much transformed the Science of Geology.

Later in 1900 A French physicist Named Teisserenc De Bort discovered the stratosphere, when he sent unmanned balloons into the upper atmosphere.
Prior to that in 1883 after the eruption of Krakatau (crack a tow ah) The atmosphere become heavily contaminated with particles of the once thriving island. These particles produced remarkable optical effects easily seen with the naked eye, all over the world. Today it is recognized that the observations where actually a pre discovery of the stratosphere under the influence of Krakatau.

2700 yrs ago there lived a Prophet by the name of Amos. A book written and titled after his names sake has some very interesting statements. That I found while researching about the last days.
Amos 8:14
He who builds His layer in the sky, and has founded His Strata in the Earth:
Who call for the waters of the sea, and pours them out on the face of the earth.
The LORD is His name.
2700 yrs ago scripture mentions the layers of the Atmosphere as well as the layers in the Earth’s Strata.
On top of all that, it goes on further to reveal the process of distilled rain. Mentioned previously in Job as well. Water is brought up from the ocean forms clouds and pours out on to the land.

Eat your heart out Modern Science. You’re a day old donut.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Brilliant conclusion and confirmation.

So Friday night Switch was in full swing. The worship went well, and the preaching was...........well with God all things are possible.

Any how, during alter ministry one of the young men came up to me for some prayer.
I Immediately sensed a difference in his spirit from last week. As we were praying I felt Holy Spirit show me a few things about him. I shared both things. First was that I felt he took on burdens that were not his at all. Nothing serious, but after a while the weighed his soul down. Second I told him that his spirit seemed much more aware and lively. His countenence was much different, he seemed lighter.

He sat quietly for a moment........thinking about the word. Then he smiled like a small epiphany had just hit him square between the eyes, and out of sheer suprize he let a one of those......."heh oh yeah I get it laughs"

So I looked at him and said "what's up man, whatcha got"

He looked at me still smiling and thinking about it. " I lost my IPOD for a week"

That was revelation from God, and both words confirmed right there. The music he listened to and the stories and the senerios in the lyrics had a profound effect on the condition of his soul. So much so that even he saw the difference under unforseeable circumstances. When you listen to songs about heart ache and rebellion and hopelessness. You take in those words along with the emotions and spirits that perpetuate a bondage to those things. Ever cry to a song, or sulk to a song about a breakup? Or felt completely powerless, like you were always going to get the dirty end of the stick the rest of your miserable life?
Or maybe you felt wonderful and happy after a some praise and worship music? Felt like God was on your side and you could do anything?

He was taking on the burden of the author of those songs. Just I like used to. Even though he didn't write those songs and didn't live the authors experience....it became his.

Just as Lot's soul was vexed and tormented by the things he saw and heard day after day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Generation from Lot.

The greatest consequence to Lot was the generation that proceeded him. Though he found mercy in the Lord's eyes and was spared the judgement of Soddom and Gomorrah. He still had to reap what he allowed to be sewn into his family just from what was around them. His Daughters having grown up in that enviroment had a perverted understanding of God and morality. So much so that incest was acceptable to them for continuing a bloodline. So they got their father drunk and procreated with him.

If we continue to fight being Holy as God is Holy. Rationalizing Grace. (we are the only creatures who have the ability to rationalize. I look at that word as Ration of lies. I believe it directly linked to the nature of Satan,and the original sin)

We must shed this life from us completely. We must "put off the former things" and strive to know what it is to be a new creation, to renew our minds. To set the standard of Truth,given to us from the source,The Word of God.

Please pray for our youth. Please pray for this generation, I believe it to be the last generation. At any ate it is the last of it's kind.

Fight the seductive voice of settling for anything less than living in Christ until you are one with Him. Fight it to the death.

The Christian Soul vs The Human Self.

(continued from the last line of the last post)

Wether they were Christian or not. I stopped feeding "The Individualistic Infantile Self" Here's how JP Moreland describes one of the 5 parts of an empty self in his book " Love Your God With All Your Mind" published by NAVPRESS.

It is widely recognized that adolescent personality traits are staying with people longer today than in earlier generations, sometimes manifesting themselves into the early thirties. Created by a culture filled with pop psychology, schools and media that usurp parental authority, and television ads that seem to treat everyone like a teenager, the infantile part of the empty self needs instant gratification, comfort, and soothing. The infantile person is controlled by infantile cravings and constanly seeks to be filled up with and made whole by food, entertainment, and consumer goods. Such a person is preoccupied with sex, physical appearance, and body image and tends to live by feelings and experiences. For the infantile personality type, pain, endurance, hard work, and delayed gratification are anathema. (Accursed) Pleasure is all the matters, and it had better be immediate, Boredom is the greatest evil, amusement the greatest good.

Wow.................so I see some empty self in me. How about you? The most troubling thing about these traits is they are found all over the Western Church today. I find the level of Apathy and carousing in vetern "believers" astonishing.

I think the single most contributing factor to this type of self is what we feed ourselve. We will eventually acclimate to the enviroment that we surround ourselves with. "Your vision is your future" so to say.

2Peter 2:7-8 Says that "righteous Lot" (Remember Peter is addressing us the Christians) was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked, and that dwelling amoung them tormented his Soul day after day. Simply by what he saw and heard, it wasn't even nessecary for him to participate in the wickedness for it to have a traumatic effect on his soul.

If you could tatoo your soul this is how it's done. No wonder the Christian mind is where it's at today

Most of our youth are going through the same struggles by one means or another. They've even admitted to know what the source of the battle is for them. It's not hard to figure out what the source is. It's what continues to remain despite everything else the've done to assess the problem. They continue to listen to the same music, media, and they have the same nonChristian relationships. What's a good definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results.

I hate you Satan. You are defeated. God is faithful and Just to finish the work He started in our youth, Church, and Me.

(Sorry if My spelling and grammar were crummy these last few posts, I'm working with a limited time for editing and my spell check isn't working)