
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Generation from Lot.

The greatest consequence to Lot was the generation that proceeded him. Though he found mercy in the Lord's eyes and was spared the judgement of Soddom and Gomorrah. He still had to reap what he allowed to be sewn into his family just from what was around them. His Daughters having grown up in that enviroment had a perverted understanding of God and morality. So much so that incest was acceptable to them for continuing a bloodline. So they got their father drunk and procreated with him.

If we continue to fight being Holy as God is Holy. Rationalizing Grace. (we are the only creatures who have the ability to rationalize. I look at that word as Ration of lies. I believe it directly linked to the nature of Satan,and the original sin)

We must shed this life from us completely. We must "put off the former things" and strive to know what it is to be a new creation, to renew our minds. To set the standard of Truth,given to us from the source,The Word of God.

Please pray for our youth. Please pray for this generation, I believe it to be the last generation. At any ate it is the last of it's kind.

Fight the seductive voice of settling for anything less than living in Christ until you are one with Him. Fight it to the death.


I Ravish His Heart said...

WOW... 3 posts and a new page (w/ no banner). I have only had a chance to read this post, but I must say I agree... God has really been putting a burden on my heart to pray for my generation and the youth I know he has amazing plans but I believe that many of them will be ushered in by a prayer revival.

I Ravish His Heart said...

K, I just read them all... They are pretty fantastic, defiantly inspired by God. I am going to post that thing we were talking about yesterday. It's interesting, it goes along with you posts.