
Sunday, December 9, 2007

The "More" has come.

AS you can see I've deleted the other filler posts, Sorry if you folks missed the latest which I put up Friday evening. I deleted it before any of you nay sayers could comment. meh heh ha hahahhhha!!!!! COUGH"! (My wife can beat me in bowling, and blogging)

ANYWAY......So sleep paraylsis. There were a few significant things that were taking place in my life, that helped me become aware of what was really going on during these episodes. The First: I had finally gotten fed up with being a Christian living in sin. If you are unsaved or a Christian, Spirit filled or not, and you are actively participating or pursuing sinful things whether it be Rebellion (a good definition for rebellion is: overiding natural Sovereign order, and manipulating people or your enviroment to obtain a desired result. i.e. Witchcraft. It's exactly what spell casting is intended to do, and it's been the Modus Operandi of Satan since his...Hmmm, Rebellion), Fornication or Pornography, disobedience, and anything else that is not found in the nature of God or obtained by faith. Then you are giving the enemy of your soul legal access to put your life in bondage, and to destroy your sanity and your soul.

II Corinthians 10:3-6 This is a verse you hear alot in faith doctrine circles. There is a lot in there, and it's great. However most people only teach or proclaim it up to the 5th verse. If you do this, you miss the power of the verse completely.

2Cor10:3-6 NKJV,

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5) casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6) (Here is the key to this warfare) and being ready to punish all disobedience when YOUR obedience is fulfilled.

You have no authority until you are under God's authority. As you start submitting and Subjecting yourself to God's Word, and His Spirit, you become empowered for spiritual warfare. It would do us all a lot of good to continue reading the rest of chapter ten in the same context. These verses if you let them will radically change the way you look at spiritual warfare, and the strongholds that exist first and formost in our minds.


Lex said...

And moreover it's probably time to radically change the way we look at spiritual warfare ... 'cause the battle is becoming intense.

Anonymous said...

True dat lex, although i also think the battle has always been just as intense the stakes just as high, only we become more aware of the battle, as God through the Holy Spirit and our faith and desire to see more into the spiritual realm and as paul said we see in part, may God enlarge our "part"

The Academy Against Apathy said...

I believe you are right Jeff. However I believe it is High Time.
To press in and count the cost, an entire generation that could well be the last, is at stake. The future of our histories ride on us taking up our Crosses.